Everything you need to know.

Shipping & Delivery

When you purchase your product, you can see if it's available or under production and the duration of this process. If your item is available, we will take 1-3 days to ship it.

We use express shipping for all our orders, so you can expect delivery within 1-2 days post shipment.

Absolutely. We ensure every shipment is covered for the full value of your purchase. Therefore, upon receiving, you will need to sign for it and be present during the delivery.

Every order includes free shipping, regardless of the jewelry piece you purchase.

Exchanges & Returns

While we don't offer refunds at Elisa Fine Jewelry, we understand the importance of your satisfaction. This is why we provide an exchange option.

You have 7 days from the date of purchase to make an exchange, as long as the piece is in its original state. Our custom and specially ordered pieces are unique, so they aren't eligible for exchanges or returns.

Free returns

Returns within 30 days receive a full refund.

Worldwide shipping

Ship anywhere, rates available at checkout.

24/7 support

Call us anytime at 1(800) 555-1234.